How I Became Addicted To Terraria

Okay, so maybe I’m not completely dependent on the the game, but I got way more into Terraria than I expected. Based off the game’s previous coverage the independent PC title just looked like 2D Minecraft. While the two sandbox titles share much in common, the world of Terraria delivers a uniquely addictive and rewarding experience that’s difficult to step away from.
By now you’ve probably heard of Minecraft. In that game players use axes, pickaxes, and other tools to harvest the world’s resources and mine into the earth. The same happens here, but the game’s 2D nature grants a broader perspective of the world. You can see where precious copper veins snake their way through the dirt, or enemies lurking beneath a thin layer of soil. The game also has a crafting system, day/night cycle, and tons of collectible items.
Like in Minecraft, deadly enemies attack at night so it’s important to build a shelter right away. After chopping down a few trees I constructed myself a humble hovel to ward off zombies and flying eyeballs. Over the course of my numerous hours with Terraria I joyfully expanded my home into a three story structure with plenty of chests for storage, crafting stations, doors, and even an opening into my own private mineshaft.
Mining is as simple as taking your pick axe to the soil and digging until you discover some precious metal or a cavernous opening. Monsters populate the underground, keeping players on their toes. The enemy variety is impressive, with bats, slimes, earth-digging worms, and skeletons populating the nether regions. Unlike Minecraft, treasure chests and destructible clay pots litter these underground areas, packing useful items and resources. I discovered immensely useful trinkets like double-jump boots, new weapons, and even permanent HP boosts. Thanks to the game’s random terrain generator, you never know what to expect.
Things get dark underground, so it’s a good idea to pack a bunch of torches to light the way. I even stumbled upon glowsticks in my adventure, which I used to illuminate bodies of water or gauge the depths of mysterious drop-offs. The rhythmic flow of digging, setting torches, and digging some more is comforting, and makes finding a gold or silver vein all the more rewarding. Using dirt or stone to craft stairs and ledges while mining is a snap, and players can even build a handy grappling hook to climb around underground like Spider-man.